PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam
Start date: November 13, 2020 End date: November 20, 2020
PT PERTAMINA HULU MAHAKAM, bertindak sebagai KKKS - SKKMIGAS, mengundang rekanan mampu untuk mengikuti Prakualifikasi pada bulan NOVEMBER 2020 sebagai berikut:
Prakualifikasi No. PQPS000620-TDD
Register Date : 13-Nov-2020 07:30 WIB Until 20-Nov-2020 17:30 WIB
Minimum LC / TKDN Requirement (%) : Required ( 80.00% )
Minimum HSE Score of JRA Risk : 60.00
Tender Type : Service with contract duration start from 01-Mar-2021 to 28-Feb-2024
Eligible for Agent/Distributor/Manufacture : No
Qualification : Usaha Besar
Classification : 02.f.02. - PEKERJAAN BAWAH AIR - PENGERUKAN (DREDGING);
TECHNICAL FRAME CONTRACT OF DREDGING SERVICE. TKDN Minimum Requirement is 80% Expected Commencement Date: 01 March 2021. Operational Duration : 36 months. HSE Risk Level : High Risk. Commodity Type: Jasa Lainnya. APDN Category: Barang Non-APDN. Technical contact person : Hendri EKO. Email :
Note :
Brief Description :
a. To provide dredging services at Delta Mahakam area, including but not limited to:
- Dredging work to provide access into well location for swamp drilling barge
- Dredging work at well cluster to accommodate swamp drilling barge
- Dredging work to maintain the depth of access channel to well clusters and production facilities
- Provide accommodation
As per regulation (PTK007 rev-04 Amendment No.2) Barge/Vessel shall:
1. Indonesian flag at the tender stage
2. Foreign flag that will be changed to Indonesian flag prior to commence.
3. Foreign flag that financed by leasing company supported by: leasing agreement, deeds of establishment of subsidiary company, commitment letter to change the flag into Indonesia at the end of leasing period
4. Foreign flag
Please submit the following document during Registration:
a. Copy of valid SPDA certificate
b. Copy of valid SKTPM certificate to be submitted during registration process. If SKTPM status is invalid, vendor shall obtain valid status during pre-qualification phase to be able to receive future auto-invitation from and on-line registration through PHM proccom website.
c. Copy Certificate TKDN issued by Kementerian Perindustrian (if any)
d. Copy of highest value of completed single PO/Contract related to the classification for last 7 years