Mubadala Petroleum
Start date: October 14, 2019 End date: October 18, 2019
Mubadala Petroleum melalui afiliasinya PEARLOIL (Sebuku) Limited, mengundang Calon Peserta Tender untuk berpartisipasi dalam Prakualifikasi untuk Tender di bawah ini dengan mengacu kepada Pedoman Tata Kerja SKKMIGAS No. PTK-007/SKKMA0000/2017/S0 (Revisi 04) dan Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Tender No. EDR-0167/SKKMH0000/2017/S7 dan perubahannya (selanjutnya disebut “PTK 007”).
1 Tender Title and Tender Number : Provision of Offshore Drilling Rig and Associated Services
Tender No. 10421191510
Business Classification: Big Enterprise
Min. Local Content : 35%
3 Business Sector : KBLI 09100 – Jasa Penunjang Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi: Jasa Non Konstruksi, Jasa Pemboran
4 Brief Scope of Work : To provide drilling rig and associated services for offshore oil and gas drilling operations.
− Administrative Documents Replacement Certificate (SPDA) from Centralized Integrated Vendor Database (CIVD) system, which is still valid and meets the above Business Classification and Sector.
− Copy of “Provision of Offshore Drilling Rig and Associated Services” contract for oil & gas offshore drilling operations in the last seven (7) years, at a minimum consists of the cover of contract, signature page, scope of work.
1 Registration of Prequalification : Monday & Tuesday
14 & 15 October 2019
09:00 – 15:00 WIB
2 Notification of Prequalification Registration Result : Wednesday
16 October 2019
15:00 – 17:00 WIB
3 Collection of Prequalification Assessment Document : Thursday
17 October 2019
08:30 – 11:00 WIB
4 Prequalification Clarification Meeting : Monday
21 October 2019
14:00 – 15:00 WIB
5 Prequalification Document Submission : Tuesday
4 November 2019
09.00 – 15.00 WIB
6 Location: PEARLOIL (Sebuku) Limited
Pondok Indah Office Tower 2, LT 8-9
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Kav. V-TA, Jakarta 12310
1 Prequalification can only be participated by legal entity(-ies) and not being sanctioned by the provisions under PTK 007.
2 Only Participants who passed the prequalification evaluation will be invited to participate in the tender process.
3 Prequalification document submission beyond the designated time and location above will not be accepted.
Jakarta, 11 Oktober 2019