Talisman Andaman B.V.

Start date: May 13, 2020 End date: May 18, 2020

Talisman Andaman B.V.



Tender Title : Provision of Deepwater Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) for Andaman

Tender Number : F0510NR

Contract Duration : One (1) firm well

Business Scale Class : Large scale

Business Classification : 02.2.02 Drilling Offshore

02.p.03 Service Provider for Drilling Equipment

Category/Sub-category : 02.p.03.01 Service Provider for Drilling Equipment for Offshore Rig

Domestic Commitment : Minimum 10%


Talisman Andaman B.V. (hereinafter referred to as "Company"), is a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Contractor and as the operator of Andaman III working area, located in offshore Aceh sea, Indonesia. Company is planning to have its offshore drilling campaign for one (1) exploration deepwater well in late Q1 – early Q2, 2021.

Company hereby invites Perusahaan Angkutan Laut Nasional or National Shipping Lines either as a domestic or national companies, to participate in the procurement process of rental of one (1) unit MODU for deepwater drilling in Andaman III with capability to meet Company’s requirements in drilling one (1) exploratory well with prognosed water depth of +/- 1090 meters.


MODU Unit for deepwater well with minimum specification including the following:

- Category A: MODU unit with Indonesian flagged; or

Category B: MODU unit is with foreign flag but commit to change the flag to be Indonesian flag prior to operating in Indonesian wáter; or

Category C: MODU unit is with foreign flag and currently in the process of acquisition (leasing) by Indonesian Citizen or Indonesian entity with majority shareholder is Indonesian citizen.

Category D: MODU unit with foreign flag

- Statement of Commitment to achieve minimum 10% Local Content

- MODU unit equipped for operating in water depth of 1,090 m

- MODU unit is API S53 compliance

- MODU unit is minimum 5th generation or newer, DP-Class 3, MPD Ready or available prior to Spud, Offline Operation capability mandatory, dual activity is preferred.

For complete minimum requirement specifications to refer to Prequalification Instruction document


1. Registration is open from : WEDNESDAY, 13th MAY 2020 TO MONDAY, 18th MAY 2020 , from 08:00 to 15:00 WIB.


Registrants must submit its credentials prior to receiving Prequalification Instruction document from Tender Committee. Failure to submit evidence of having MODU unit in Indonesian Flag will not enable any Registrant to receive this Prequalification process and therefore will not be qualified to participate in this Prequalification process.

Participant has to collect the Prequalification Instruction Document when registering to participate with submitting the following documents:

1. Letter of Interest in participating this Prequalification: The letter shall be made on official letterhead and signed by authorized official in the company specifying the proposed MODU unit name and flag category from one of the above-mentioned categories.

2. Registrant’s contact person: Name, Title, Email Address, Contact Number. Registrant will receive the Prequalification Instruction document from Tender Committee.

3. Copy of valid SPDA (Surat Pengganti Dokumen Administrasi) for Qualification and Classification related to the implementation of the Work

Registrations steps:

* Submit the Registration Requirements in PDF format by email to : tendercommittee_jkt@repsol.com and lmlatifah@repsol.com

* In the subject email to quote: “Registration PQ-F0510NR: [Registrant’s name]

Schedule and procedure for this Registration and Prequalification process are in accordance to the prevailing Procurement Guideline (Pedoman Tata Kerja) Number PTK-007/SKKMA0000/2017/S0 (Revision 4).


Jakarta, 13th May 2020