Pasir Petroleum Resources Limited

Start date: June 05, 2023 End date: June 12, 2023



Pasir Petroleum Resources Limited is a Production Sharing Contractor (PSC) of SKKMIGAS for Pasir Block working area, in East Kalimantan Province, Republic of Indonesia, hereby invite your company to participate the Prequalification of the Tender below.

Judul Tender : Penyediaan Jasa Pemboran Terintegrasi Sumur Kinanti-5

No. Tender : PASIR-090-CA

In compliance to SKKMIGAS Procurement Guideline PTK-007 Book Two Revision-5, participate Bidders must established under the Law of Republic Indonesia, have financial capability and experience providing the subject Tender.

Due to fulfill the Pre-qualification requirement, participated Bidder is mandatory to submit the following documents.

1. Surat Pernyataan Berminat mengikuti proses Prakualifikasi Tender, ditandatangani Pimpinan Perusahaan.

2. Sertifikat Pengganti Dokumen Administrasi (SPDA) yang diterbitkan CIVD SKKMIGAS.

3. Salinan Laporan Keuangan Tahun 2022 yang telah diaudit oleh Auditor Independen.

4. Salinan Kontrak Jasa Pendukung Pemboran dalam kurun waktu 15 (lima belas) tahun terakhir.

5. Memiliki Sertifikat CHSEMS dengan score Resiko Tinggi.

6. Salinan Legalitas Perusahaan: Akte Notaris Pendirian Perusahaan dan Perubahannya (bila ada), Surat Pengesahan Kemenhukham (AHU-Online), NPWP, dan NIB 7111, 7112 / SIUP 09100.

Please submit the pre-qualification document to email address not later than June 12 th 2023 at 16:00 PM. If you have any queries, please liaise with Procurement Department at 021 2276 0386 or to email:

Jakarta, 2 Juni 2023.

Panitia Tender Pasir Petroleum Resources Limited