Inpex Masela, Ltd
Start date: July 16, 2020 End date: July 29, 2020
NO. PQ/MAS/2020/16
INPEX Masela, LTD. (“COMPANY”), as the Production Sharing Contractor of the Masela Working Area hereby invites companies (“REGISTRANT”), with the relevant experiences and capabilities to participate in the prequalification phase (“PREQUALIFICATION”) and submit the prequalification proposal in Adobe format (.pdf) (“PREQUALIFICATION PROPOSAL”) of a Tender as described below:
Tender Title : Jakarta Car Rental and Driver Services
Tender Number : MAS/2020/0034
Business Qualification : Usaha Besar / Large Business
Business Classification : Jasa Angkutan / Transportation Services
Business Sub-Classification : Angkutan Personil melalui antara lain: darat, laut, atau udara; atau Aktivitas Penyewaan dan Sewa Guna Usaha Tanpa Hak Opsi Mobil, Bus, Truk, dan Sejenisnya; atau Angkutan Darat Lainnya untuk Penumpang / Personnel Transportation through: land, sea, or air; or Rental and Leasing Activities Without Option Rights of Cars, Buses, Trucks, and its kind; or Other Land Transportation for Passengers
Local Content Requirement : Minimum 55%
Company Status : Local Company (LC); atau/or
National Company (NC); atau/or
Consortium between LC - LC; atau/or
Consortium between LC – NC.
LC shall act as Lead Firm.
PREQUALIFICATION will be undertaken in full compliance with SKK Migas Working Guideline No. PTK-007/SKKMA0000/2017/S0 (Revision 04) regarding Procurement of Goods/Services Implementation Guidelines and Tender Implementation Guidelines No. EDR- 0167/SKKMH0000/2017/S7.
COMPANY requires the contractor to provide car rental services, include driver and dispatcher for 36 (thirty six) months period, plus 2 (two) months for delivery time of cars at the beginning of the contract.
REGISTRANT shall formally register by submitting the documents below to COMPANY’s procurement management (“PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT”) through e-mail to
1. Copy of valid Certificate for Replacement of Administration Document (SPDA).
2. Copy of valid Business License – Large Scale in accordance with the required subclassification indicated above. Other conditions are specified in the Prequalification Document.
1. Registration of PREQUALIFICATION will be conducted within 16 July 2020 until 20 July 2020 during the hours of 15:00 WIB through the following e-mail address
2. Prequalification Document shall be distributed by PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT to REGISTRANT through e-mail after the registration of PREQUALIFICATION completed.
3. Submission of PREQUALIFICATION PROPOSAL no later than 29 July 2020 at 15:00 WIB (closing time) through e-mail to
Failure to follow the above process and/or failure to submit the required documents as listed above may result in the respective REGISTRANT will not be invited to the subsequent Tender phase.
Jakarta, 16 July 2020
Procurement Management