PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia
Start date: April 09, 2019 End date: April 11, 2019
No. 131/TA/JKT/2019
Prequalification Executor : PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia
Address : Sentral Senayan 1 Office Tower, JI.Asla Afrika No. 8, 11th Floor, Jakarta 10270
Prequalification Title : Installation And Maintenance Of Control Valve Services
Scope of Work or Specification of Goods Summary : Jasa-Jasa pembelian, rekayasa, perawatan dan pendukung proyek untuk katup pengatur (Control Valve) dan instrumentasi lapangan yang beroperasi pada fasilitas Perusahaan, yang berlokasi di area operasi Perusahaan di Sumatra.
Category of Goods (specific for Tender of Goods) : Tidak Berlaku (Tender Jasa)
A. Prequalification Requirement
Business Classification : Large Enterprise
Type of Procurement : Other Services
Company Status :
- PN
- Kons. PDN - PDN
- Kons. PDN - PN
Business Field :
465 - Perdagangan Besar Mesin, Peralatan dan Perlengkapan lainnya atau
782 · Aktivitas Penyediaan Tenaga KerJa Waktu Tertentu Minimum
Business Subfield :
4659 - Perdagangan Besar Mesin, Peralatan dan Perlengkapan lainnya atau
7820 - Aktivitas Penyediaan Tenaga Kerja Waktu Tertentu .
Minimum Threshold of Domestic Content : 80.00
Provisions for Consortium:
1. Leadfirm: In the event of Consortium, Domestic Company must act as leadfirm of Consortium.
2. Foreign Company membership : Consortium can not be composed of Foreign Company.
3. At least one of parties in Consortium has business license as per requirement.
4. Leadfirm has to meet business classification as per requirement.
5. Business classification from all parties joined in the Consortium must not exceed requirement.
B. Prequalification Document
1. Cover Letter to participate in prequalification.
2. Valid Administration Document Replacement Certificate (SPDA) from Centralized Integrated Vendor Database (CIVD) system on the business subfield as per this announcement.
This requirement is applicable for all consortium members in the event that Bidder Candidate registers as Consortium.
ln the event the consortium member is not incorporated under Indonesia low (Foreign Company), SPDA CIVD refer to requirements of Tender Executor, e.g.: Article of Incorporation, Certificate of Domicile.
3. Prequalification requirements are detailed in http// menu "work with us -> suppliers -> tenders announcement". Only Goods/Services Provider that has valid SPDA in relevant subfield may participate in this Prequalification process.
4. Especially for Tender of Goods, in the event Bidder Candidate is appointed Agent/Distributor of domestic manufacturer, must submit evidence as Agent/Distributor from the domestic manufacturer.
1. Prequalificotion Document Submission Date : 9/Apr/19 - 11/Apr/19
2. Time : 8 am - 2 pm local time of registration counter
3. Location : loket Tender, SSI Lantai 11, Jakarta
1. This announcement is subject to the provisions under SKK Mfgas Work Procedure "No. PTK-007/SKKMA000/20J7/S0 (Revision 4) and Tender Implementation Guideline "No. EDR· 0167/SKKMH000/2017/S7".
2. Other provisions in relation to the registration procedure shall refer to TENDER REGISTRATION PROCEDURE, which can be downloaded from the website menu "work with us ", submenu "suppliers", sub-submenu "tender registration procedure".
3. Only Prequalication Participants that has been declared as passed the Prequalification process will be invited to participate in the related Tender process.
4. Prequalication Participants that cannot fulfill Prequalication requirements and documents will be declared as not passed Prequalication process.
5. Registration and document submission beyond the above designoted time and place is unacceptable.
Jakarta, 08 Apr 2019
Authorized Officer