PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero)
Start date: June 26, 2024 End date: July 23, 2024
Design and Construction of Jailolo Civil/Infrastructure Works
Nomor : 015.PLL/PST.PBJ-GDE/VI/2024
Employer: PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero)
Project: Geothermal Energy Upstream Development Project
Contract title: Design and Construction of Jailolo Civil/Infrastructure Works
Country: Indonesia
Loan No. /Credit No. / Grant No.: CTF Grant Number TF0A4089
Issued on: 26 Juni 2026
1. PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Geothermal Energy Upstream Development Project (GEUDP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant towards payments of procurement under the GEUDP project. PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) has entered into a subsidiary agreement with PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero), who will act as an Implementing Party for the procurement activities of this project.
2. PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) now invites sealed Proposals from eligible applicants for Design and Construction of Jailolo Civil/Infrastructure Works.
3. The procurement will be conducted through national competitive procurement using Request for Proposals (RFP) as specified in the World Bank’s “Guideline Procurement of Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting Services Under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers January 2011, Revised July 2014” (“Procurement Guidelines”) and is open to all eligible Proposers.
4. Proposers interested in participating in this procurement are required to email to receive instructions for transferring a nonrefundable fee of IDR 3.000.000 (three million Rupiah) for document replacement. The document will be sent via email.
5. Proposers may obtain further information from PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) - Mr. Ferry Iskandar - Head of Supply Chain Management Division – and inspect the RFP Document during office hours 09.00 to 17.00 at the address given below.
6. A single-stage, two envelope RFP process will be used, and the Proposal will consist of (i) the Technical Part, without any reference to prices; and (ii) the Financial Part, as detailed in the RFP The Technical and Financial Parts of the Proposals shall be submitted simultaneously in two separate sealed envelopes.
7. The Proposal, both the Technical Part and the Financial Part, must be delivered to the address below on or before July 23, 2024 at 14.00 Jakarta Jakarta Time . Electronic Procurement will not be permitted. Late Proposals will be rejected. The Technical Part of the Proposals will be publicly opened in the presence of the Proposers’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on July 23, 2024 at 14.15 Jakarta Time. The Financial Part shall remain unopened and will be held in the safe custody of the Employer until the second public opening of the Financial Part, following the evaluation of the Technical Part of the Proposals.
8. All Proposals must be accompanied by a Proposal Security as appropriate IDR 1.367.000.000 (one billion three hundred and sixty seven million Rupiah) or in other currency with equivalent amount.
9. All Proposals must be accompanied by a Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and/or Sexual Harassment (SH) Declaration.
10. The address referred to above is PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero), 2nd Floor, Aldevco Octagon Building, Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No. 75 South Jakarta, Indonesia.
PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero)
2nd Floor, Aldevco Octagon Building, Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No. 75
South Jakarta, Indonesia