6048 documents in
PLN issues Rp1.73 trillion bonds
April 21, 2020
Firms unaffected by banks’ move to stop financing PLTU projects
April 21, 2020
MEMR, PLN assessing PLTS scheduled to start operating this year
April 20, 2020
PLN delays some projects amid Covid-19
April 17, 2020
Nusantara Infrastructure to soon operate PLTMH Lau Gunung
April 17, 2020
Indonesia Power to build PLTS at Bali-Mandara toll road
April 16, 2020
PLN studies electricity bills payment relief for industries
April 15, 2020
Arya Watala, Scatec still discussing SPA for PLTS Tanah Mori
April 14, 2020
PEFINDO affirms “idAAA” rating for Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara
April 13, 2020
IEEFA Indonesia: PLN in crisis—time for independent power producers to share the burden
April 13, 2020
PLN, PGN discuss force majeure condition
April 11, 2020
PLTU Jawa 7 Unit 2 misses commissioning date target
April 11, 2020
Government still drafting the geothermal roadmap
April 10, 2020
Arya Watala eyes Chinese battery technology for PLTS project
April 09, 2020
PLN teams up with Microsoft on digital transformation
April 09, 2020
PLN, IPPs told to take strategic measures amid Covid-19 outbreak
April 08, 2020
PAL Indonesia assures energy project to go ahead as plan
April 08, 2020
MEMR says no tender of geothermal WA this year
April 07, 2020
New policy expected to accelerate geothermal development
April 07, 2020
MEMR to install rooftop solar power at 800 locations this year
April 06, 2020