Tidal Bridge plans tidal power plant can be operational in 2024

Source: Tidal Bridge BV
Source: Tidal Bridge BV

By Rikordias Siahaan

Dutch-based tidal energy developer Tidal Bridge BV is optimistic its tidal wave power plant combined with bridge can be operational by the end of 2024.

Tidal Bridge CEO Eric van den Eijnden explained during a recent interview with Petromindo.com that the project will now start the FEED (Front End Engineering Design). "We now have to finalize items and start FEED (Front End Engineering Design) within two months. And the FEED will last about one year and we continue to construction phase that will take around two years. So we plan the project can be operational by the end of 2024," Eric van den Eijnden said.

Tidal Bridge power plant project is planned to be built integrated with a one kilometer bridge connecting Larantuka and Adonara islands in East Nusa Tenggara province where around 400 meters from the bridge will be used as platform for the power plant. The investment needed for the project is estimated at US$225 million.

Van Den Eijnden also explained that development of the power plant will be unseparated with the bridge since the platform for the power plant is ideal for the bridge.

Read also: Tidal Bridge close to secure AMDAL permit for tidal power plant project

"More developments will take place if the bridge is present. So the combination of the power plant and bridge will bring more benefits to the people of Larantuka and Adonara,” Van Den Eijnden further elaborated.

Asked about whether the power plant will need battery storage, Van Den Eijnden said for initial development the battery is not needed yet. "In the beginning of our connectivity study, it not necessary yet for the first few years. But later it will be better if we use battery to be able become baseload power," Eric explained. The tidal energy power plant is designed can deliver 40MW peak and 10MW as baseload.

Latif Gau, CEO of PT Tidal Bridge Indonesia explained that people in the two islands need both the power plant and the bridge. "I think it would bring more positive impacts to local people if we build the bridge as well. And this is actually what the local people want. A bridge between Larantuka and Adonara," Latif explained.

Latif elaborated that the project will go under EPC scheme where it will be funded by Dutch Development Bank FMO "We will use EPC model to develop the project and we bring our own financing which is from the Dutch Development Bank FMO. And we get a very low financing rate, hence making the project cost-competitive," Latif said.

Editing by Reiner Simanjuntak

Below are images of the planned Tidal Bride project in Larantuka Adonara:

Source: Tidal Bridge BV
Source: Tidal Bridge BV
Source: Tidal Bridge BV




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