Technip Energies ESG Roadmap

Our ESG Roadmap

During our first year, we engaged with our stakeholders to establish a meaningful ESG Roadmap and scorecard with the goal of embedding ESG in everything we do and the choices we make to have a positive and long-term impact. It is fully aligned with our Purpose and Values. Samia Kaddour was appointed to lead the project, she explains the process involved.

“Together by T.EN” is the name you have chosen for the ESG Roadmap. Can you explain the idea behind this branding?

Samia Kaddour (SK): Together reflects both how we act in Technip Energies and how the world will have to act to address the 21st century challenges as a result of climate change, inequality, pandemic and dwindling natural resources across the world. In my view, working better together will define the collaborative effort that our industry and the world needs today and tomorrow to create a sustainable future for all. Our main asset at Technip Energies is human capital. Working together internally and externally beyond boundaries with several partners and various supply chain actors is in our DNA and we want to leverage this ability to overcome the energy transition challenge. “Together by T.EN” is a way to promote our collaborative working approach and to go further in this direction.

Can you summarize the key messages of the ESG Roadmap in a few words?
SK: The role of a company today can no longer be limited to generating profits, companies have the responsability to create a lasting positive impact on the environment and people lives. That is why our ESG Roadmap is defined by 4 main pillars.
• Drive solutions for the climateby delivering more sustainable plants and low-carbon solutions.
• Enable people to thrive by developing skills and promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace.
• Lead responsibly with accountable governance bodies and the right organizational culture to deliver sustainable and affordable energy solutions.
• Collaborate to impact by engaging with players across different industries to bring sustainable changes in the ecosystem.

How did you define these 4 pillars?
SK: They were established through a very collaborative process. The first phase was engagement, through surveys and interviews, both internal and external. We had a high participation rate – close to 5,800 respondents representing 38% of employees and over 100 external respondents. This process allowed us to classify our 22 ESG topics in terms of importance and business impactin a materiality matrix (see on the right). The 12 most important or material ESG topics were selected. Dedicated multi-competence working groups, involving more than 150 employees, were set up for each topic to set ambitions, establish aspirational and tangible targets and define precise action plans with measurable key performance indicators. The result of this collaborative work is our ESG Roadmap, based on 4 pillars, 12 ambitions and 23 quantitative targets.

Each topic was assessed according to its importance to stakeholders and its impact for the business. The topics in the top right quartile (white) represent the 8 material topics. Internal and external cross analysis of the remaining topics highlighted a further 4 major topics.



Our commitments
Our ESG Roadmap is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the United Nations. We have set strong targets for carbon reduction in line with the Paris Agreement and we plan to commit to setting and reporting on Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We are a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, operating in a way that meets fundamental responsibilities in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption.



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