OPINION | Singgih Widagdo
Coal DMO, between penalty and compensation fund
The coal mining industry opened the year 2022 with debates over Coal DMO (Domestic Market Obligation). The potential electricity power outages become the reason for the Ministry of ESDM (Energy and Mineral Resources) to stop exporting coal early in 2022. Several companies assigned by the authorities to increase their domestic supply simply overlooked the assignment.
Growing urgency of small business in energy security
Small and medium-scale coal suppliers have long given serious alarm to the government, reminding the possibility of a coal supply crisis to the stateelectricity company PT PLN as a result of the higher disparity of coal price in domestic and international markets.
South Sumatra coal miners struggling with delivery problem
Coal industry players in South Sumatra are eager to ramp up coal production volume, but they are facing coal logistic challenges. Abundant coal deposit, at more than 9 billion tons in reserves, sit under the ground far away from nearest rivers in the region.
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