OPINION | Singgih Widagdo
Facing the challenges in 2022
The journey of the coal mining industry throughout 2021 has left many positive values for the industry. In mid-October 2021, the coal price index reached its highest record. The Newcastle Export Index (NEX) touched US$ 258.90 per ton. The price index of over US$ 200
per ton was passed early in October 2021, of US$ 204.97 per ton. The price level stayed for about a month before it fell down sharply to US$158.19 per ton, early in November 2021.
Kuncoro Marine expands to silica sand mining
Indonesia is, in fact, not only nickel mining but also silica sand mining. PT Kuncoro Marine Indonesia, a marine transporter, starts tapping the growing industry and expanding its business by acquiring a silica sand mine in East Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Province.
Expecting brighter year of 2022
Extreme weather due to La Nina phenomenon this year causes production operation and logistic challenges for coal miners in Indonesia. The government estimated that the national coal production this year may not achieve the initial target of 625 million tons. As of early December, the coal production realization was 560 million tons or 89.6 percent of total target.
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