RESINDO brings successful projects into reality
As a resource-rich country, Indonesia owns abundant deposit of coal and minerals, including critical materials for energy transition – such as nickel cobalt and copper – to develop renewable energy ecosystem. Indonesia, the world’s largest thermal coal exporter and the one of top nickel producers, is one of key factors in global renewable energy supply chain.
Energy Transition Needs Big Fund
Energy transition toward net zero emission (NZE) requires strong global commitment from policy makers and industry players, stateowned enterprises (SOE) and private companies. It was discussed by leaders of G20 as part of their summit meeting agenda recently in Bali, Indonesia. They are committed to accelerating the energy transition by providing, financial supports for developing countries.
OPINION | Bill Sullivan
Renewable energy transition & pricing – Some certainty at last
After seemingly endless and mostly unexplained delays, stretching over several years, the Government has finally issued the long-awaited Presidential Regulation on the pricing of electricity generated from renewable energy resources and related matters.