JAMMIN ensures credible “Testing & Inspection” services
In commemorating the 12th anniversary this year, PT Jasa Mutu Mineral Indonesia (JAMMIN), expands its testing and inspection services to nickel market by establishing a new mineral laboratory in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Province. JAMMIN offers more credible and trusted testing and inspection services for all nickel stakeholders in the region.
Kuncoro Marine aims to be more reliable transporter
As a relatively new-comer in marine transporter business, PT Kuncoro Marine Indonesia aims to be more reliable transporter by, among others, expanding the fleet capacity and at the same time diversifying the marine services ranging from bulk to oil transporter.
A step forward to decarbonization
Indonesia shows its strong commitment to achieve net zero emission target by 2050 and takes a step forward to decarbonization by accelerating the development of renewable energy. The government is expected to release a “greener” Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL) 2021-2030 in near future.
OPINION | Singgih Widagdo
Coal mining, a realistic option of energy transition?
Debates on energy transition, over time, has moved to the right direction. As a constitutional country, Indonesian Government should clearly observe Paris Agreement as ratified in Law No. 16 of 2016 on Ratification of Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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