Since countries in the world have committed/agreed on carbon reduction (decarbonization) in various sectors including the energy sector, upstream oil and gas business activities around the world have experienced new challenges, namely the challenge of applying carbon control technology in the form of capture and storage, to utilizing carbon down to the simplest form of supporting forest rehabilitation/reforestation activities.
Of course, the application of carbon control technology known as CCS and CCUS technology as well as forest rehabilitation/reforestation requires significant additional investment in upstream oil and gas activities, especially during the exploitation stage so that it can affect economic value which ultimately affects state revenues and the acceptance of contractors who hold participating interests in certain work areas.
Even so, on the other hand, the application of CCS and CCUS and even forest rehabilitation/reforestation can become a new business opportunity known as carbon trading, which of course has the potential to become a new business that can generate new revenues outside the main business of producing hydro carbon in the form of oil and natural gas.
Realizing the above, a new governance is needed in the upstream oil and gas industry so that there is synergy and harmonization of the interests of environmental preservation and protection on the one hand, and energy security and optimizing the use of natural resources for people's prosperity on the other.
The SKK Migas – PSC PSC Legal Forum is a meeting forum between legal practitioners who work for SKK Migas and business partners (KKKS) as well as other government and non-government stakeholders. The Legal Forum is a forum for meetings that are held regularly, but was halted for several years due to the Covid-19 pandemic which has been considered an important forum for sharing, discussing and collaborating to participate, contribute ideas, concepts and other contributions in order to build a legal system related to upstream oil and gas business activities in Indonesia with a global perspective, therefore in 2023 this forum will be held again.
Given that an Association of Oil and Gas and Renewable Energy Law Practitioners (APHMET) has been formed which was initiated and managed by oil and gas law practitioners working at SKK Migas – PSC Contractors as well as government agencies, professional institutions and other institutions, the 2023 Upstream Oil and Gas Legal Forum will inaugurate the existence of APHMET as the Official Association of Oil and Gas and Renewable Energy Law Practitioners in Indonesia.
Material Focus / Problems:
As explained in the background above, the 2023 Upstream Oil and Gas Legal Forum will focus on discussing issues/materials as follows:
- Legal Politics and Indonesian Policy Directions in the Energy Sector Facing the Decarbonization Era
- Revitalization and improvement of the Production Sharing Contract in order to face new challenges
- Intellectual Property Rights in oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities that are environmentally sound
- Omnibus Law to support energy sector targets
- Business Judgement Rule dan Restorative Justice
- International Arbitration on Oil and Gas Disputes
Who should attend :
I. Peserta Kegiatan ini adalah Delegasi dari SKK Migas dan KKKS terdiri dari:- Fungsi Hukum
- Manajemen KKKS,
- Fungsi Keuangan dan Perpajakan,
- Fungsi Komersial,
- Fungsi Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa,
- Fungsi Formalitas,
- Fungsi SDM
- Fungsi Penunjang Operasi dan lain-lainnya
- Pejabat Kementerian Lembaga Terkait
- Tokoh Industri Migas dan EBTKE
- Organisasi-organisasi / Asosiasi terkait Industri Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi
- Akademisi Perguruan Tinggi
- Aparat Penegak Hukum Terkait
- Profesi Hukum (Firma Hukum)
- Mahasiswa Hukum
- Jurnalis dan lain-lainnya
- Prof. Dr. Mahfud MD, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of Indonesia
- Prof. Dr. Purnomo, Yusgiantoro Vice Governor of Lemhanas 1998-2000, Minister of Defense and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia 2009-2014
- Maman Abdurrahman,Commission VIl of the Indonesian Parliament
- Benny Lubiantara, Deputy Exploration, Development & Management of Working Area SKK Migas
- Noor Arifin Muhammad, Director of Upstream, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
- Didik Sasono Setyadi, Head of Legal Division of SKK Migas
- Hardi Hanafiah, Country Manager BP Indonesia
- Eva Maria, VP Legal Counsel PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
- Ali Nasir, VP Legal, Commercial and Planning, Harbour Energy Indonesia
- Susetyo Yuswono, Coordinator for the Formulation of Legislation in the Legal Bureau of ESDM
- Jani Purnawanty, Lecturer and Researcher Faculty of Law Airlangga University
- Alan Frederik, Legal Practitioners
- Dr. Irine Handika S.H., LL.M., Gadjah Mada University
- Kosario M. Kautsar, Specialist Deputy Head of SKK Migas
- Dr. Fully Handayani, Academy Law Faculty, University of Indonesia
- Prof. Dr. Tri Hayati, Academy Law Faculty, University of Indonesia
- De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek Law Firm
DAY ONE: AUGUST 30, 2023 | |
08.00–08.40 | Registration |
08.45–09.00 | Welcome remarks from conference chairperson and moderator. Mrs. Eva Armila Djauhari, Partner of Armila & Rako |
09.00–09.20 | Government policies in promoting sustainable nickel mining to meet the increasing demand for nickel ores in the coming years in the stainless steel, batteries, and electric vehicle (EV) markets. Keynote Speaker: Mr. Arifin Tasrif, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia.* |
09.20–09.40 | Expanding Horizons: Nickel Industries Limited’s vision for growth and sustainability in the nickel industry. The speaker will highlight Nickel Industries Limited’s plans for expansion and growth and how to remain a global leader in low-cost nickel production. Speaker: Mr. Justin Werner, Managing Director of Nickel Industries Limited. |
09.40–09.50 | Signing ceremony between Nickel Industries Limited and Cross-Sector Development Partnerships Initiative (XSPI) |
09:50-10:10 | Roadmap to Green and Sustainable Battery Grade Nickel Products: Lessons Learned from PT Ceria Nugraha Indotama Speaker: Mr. Derian Sakmiwata, Group CEO Ceria Nugraha Indotama |
10:10–10:30 | Coffee Break |
10:30–10:50 | Indonesia’s First Nickel Sulfate Plant: A Milestone for the EV Battery Industry. The speaker will give insights and experiences on the development and operation of Indonesia’s first nickel sulfate plant, the challenges and opportunities facing the nickel sulfate industry in Indonesia, and the future outlook for the EV battery market. Speaker: Mr. Roy Arman Arfandi, President Director of PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk. |
10:50–11:25 | CEO Panel Discussion: The Future of the nickel industry in Indonesia from the Perspective of nickel
producers, buyers, and Processors. The nickel industry is facing a number of challenges, including the need to increase production, reduce costs, and address environmental concerns. However, the industry also has a number of opportunities, such as the growth of the EV market and the development of new nickel-based technologies. What is the future of the nickel industry and how is the nickel industry facing and adapting to the changing market conditions?
11:25–11:45 | The current trends and future outlook of the Li-battery and ternary precursor market: Insights from CNGR, a global leader in advanced energy materials. Speaker: Mr. Dani Widjaja, Vice President of CNGR Advanced Material Co Ltd |
11:45–12:00 | Collaborative Partnerships for Sustainable Nickel Mining and Processing". Speaker: Mr. Kevin Evans, Indonesia Director of Cross-Sector Development Partnerships Initiative (XSPI) |
12:00–13:00 | Lunch Break & Networking Session |
13:00–13:20 | How Indonesia can capture the opportunities of the EV market and trend: Insights from McKinsey. The speaker will share insights and perspectives on the outlook of the EV market and trends, and what it means for the future of nickel in Indonesia. He will also discuss how Indonesia can overcome the challenges and capture the opportunities of the EV market and industry. Speaker: Mr. Rahul Gupta, McKinsey. |
13:20–13:40 | LME Nickel – the path forward Speaker: Mr. Edric Koh, Head of Corporate Sales, Asia at London Metal Exchange (LME). |
13:40–14:00 | An overview of the Indonesian nickel industry and outlook of supply and demand of nickel ores from the perspective of the Nickel miners’ association. Speaker: Mrs. Meidy Katrin, Secretary General of the Indonesian Nickel Miners Association (APNI). |
14:00–14:20 | Transforming values, preparing for the future: Vale Indonesia’s strategic role in promoting sustainable mining practices.
The speaker will discuss how Vale’s commitment to ESG in the era of global decarbonization and how the nickel they process will be adopted in products that enable the reduction of carbon emissions. Speaker: Mrs. Febriany Eddy, President Director of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk.* |
14:20–14:40 | How Merdeka Battery Materials is developing an integrated nickel industrial park of Indonesia Konawe Industrial Park (IKIP) with a focus on HPAL processing technology for battery metals. Speaker: Mr. Stan Wu, Head of Investor Relations of PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk. |
14:40–15:00 | EV demand reshaping Ni & Co supply chain Speaker: Mr. Chi Hin Ling, scrap and non-ferrous metals editor of Argus Media |
15:00–15:20 | Overview of global nickel supply and demand outlook: Market heading for a larger surplus in 2023 Speaker: Mrs. Ellie Wang, Senior Analyst of CRU Group |
15:20–15:40 | Indonesia's Road Map in the Development of EV Battery supply chain in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges Speaker: Mr. Toto Nugroho Pranatyasto, President Director of Indonesia Battery Corporation (IBC) |
15:40–16:00 | Unlocking the Future of Nickel and Cobalt Supply and Demand: The Game-Changing Impact of New Energy Vehicles
(NEV) on China's Stainless-Steel Industry and What It Means for Indonesia's Nickel. Speaker: Miss. Lynn Zhang, Nickel Commodity Research Director of Shanghai Metals Market (SMM). |
16:00–16:20 | The future global nickel market – where is the supply and demand for nickel heading? Speaker: Mr. Ricardo Ferreira, Director of Market Research and Statistics International Nickel Study Group |
16.20 | End of Day One |
Monday – Wednesday
9-11 October 2023
*) includes conference material, lunches, coffee breaks, presentations and access to all events. *) Exclude of 11% VAT *) Cancellation Fee : 7 days before the event : 80%Venue
UII Campus, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Further Information
Telephone: +62-21-2245 8787
Email: businessevents@petromindo.com
Register Now

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