Hilton Bali
13-14 December 2021
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The government’s coal reference price (or HBA) hit a new record this year due to rising demand as key markets particularly China have started to recover from the impact of the pandemic.
Coal miners and traders said that price of coal would remain strong in the second semester as the high demand is expected to continue from importing nations of China, India, Japan, South Kora, Taiwan and countries in Southeast Asia region.
Many Indian companies reportedly could no longer afford buying imported coal due to the soaring price although India’s economy has started to recover after the recent Covid-19 lockdown.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) recently stated that China’s coal consumption surged while the country’s domestic coal supply lagged behind, adding that Japan and South Korea have also recorded a similar growing coal demand trend.
Given the bullish trend, the government decided to revise up the country’s coal output target in 2021from the initial plan of 550 million tons to 625 million tons, of which of the extra output of 75 million tons will be entirely dedicated for the export market.
However, the bullish price trend, as it turns out, caused domestic issue as local coal-fired power plants have to deal with limited coal supply due to lack of vessel and tug-and-barges fleet which serves domestic market.
In consequences, Directorate General of Mineral and Coal recently issued a letter that put coal export sanction in place to a number of coal producers as these coal companies are considered not fulfilling the DMO to state-owned power utility company PT PLN (Persero) and PT PLN Batubara during January-July 2021 period.
The 10th annual business meeting of Indonesian Coal Producers & Buyers would explore the outlook of coal in domestic and overseas market and the trend of coal production in Indonesia in 2022. The annual business meeting would dig up the future of coal amid the rising calls for energy transition and zero emission target recently.
Coal miners and traders said that price of coal would remain strong in the second semester as the high demand is expected to continue from importing nations of China, India, Japan, South Kora, Taiwan and countries in Southeast Asia region.
Many Indian companies reportedly could no longer afford buying imported coal due to the soaring price although India’s economy has started to recover after the recent Covid-19 lockdown.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) recently stated that China’s coal consumption surged while the country’s domestic coal supply lagged behind, adding that Japan and South Korea have also recorded a similar growing coal demand trend.
Given the bullish trend, the government decided to revise up the country’s coal output target in 2021from the initial plan of 550 million tons to 625 million tons, of which of the extra output of 75 million tons will be entirely dedicated for the export market.
However, the bullish price trend, as it turns out, caused domestic issue as local coal-fired power plants have to deal with limited coal supply due to lack of vessel and tug-and-barges fleet which serves domestic market.
In consequences, Directorate General of Mineral and Coal recently issued a letter that put coal export sanction in place to a number of coal producers as these coal companies are considered not fulfilling the DMO to state-owned power utility company PT PLN (Persero) and PT PLN Batubara during January-July 2021 period.
The 10th annual business meeting of Indonesian Coal Producers & Buyers would explore the outlook of coal in domestic and overseas market and the trend of coal production in Indonesia in 2022. The annual business meeting would dig up the future of coal amid the rising calls for energy transition and zero emission target recently.
Day One : Monday, December 13, 2021 | |
08.30 – 09.00 | Registration and Coffee Morning |
Session 1 : Moderator, Mr. Sri Rahardjo, Director of Coal Business Development (Period 2015-2018) | |
09.00 – 09.20 | Opening Speech: Why coal to remain competitive energy source in Indonesia and the government policy to ensure sustainable supply for domestic use? Keynote Speech: Mr. Ridwan Djamaluddin, Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. |
09.20 – 09.40 | Keynote Speech: Government’s grand policy on the future of coal in Indonesia in era of energy transition scenario. Keynote Speaker: Mr. Prof Irwandy Arif, Special Staff for Mineral and Coal Governance of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. |
09.40 – 10.00 | Outlook of coal-fired power plant (PLTU) under the new RUPTL and global call for phasing down of coal. Where to go? Speaker: Mr. Evy Haryadi, Corporate Planning Director, PT. PLN* |
10.00 – 10.30 | Coffee Break & Networking Session |
10.30 – 11.30 | Policy update Panelsts:
11.30 – 12.00 | PLN strategy to secure long-term supply of coal under the new RUPTL 2021-2030. Speaker: Mr. Zuhdi Rahmanto, Vice Coal Procurement Planning and Evaluation PT PLN |
12.00 – 13.00 | Lunch Break & Networking Session |
13.00 – 14.00 | CEO Panel discussion on the future of coal in emerging energy transition development. Key issues to be discussed in this session are overview of current demand of coal in domestic market. What does energy transition mean for the future of coal in Indonesia? What is the future of coal downstream business in energy transition? Panelists:
Session 2 : Moderator, Ms. Diana Putri Alan IHS Markit | |
14.00 – 15.00 | The future of Indonesian coal in Asia Market Key issues to be discussed in this session are prospect of coal demand in China, India, Japan, Korea and ASEAN markets. What is the importing trend of coal from Indonesia? What are opportunities and challenges in importing coal from Indonesia? What are the strategies in place for sourcing sufficient thermal coal to meet demand in Asia market? Panelists:
15.00 – 15.30 | The current state and future trend of domestic coal demand. Key issues to be discussed in this session are overview of current demand of coal in domestic market, what is the future of coal demand in mineral processing plants? What is coal demand in 2022 in cement producers and pulp and paper companies? Panelists:
15.30 – 15.50 | India Coal Market trend – what is the role of Indonesia’s coal. Speaker: |
15.50 – 16.00 | Coffee Break |
16.00 – 17.00 | Continued - The future of Indonesian coal in Asia Market. Key issues to be discussed in this session are prospect of coal demand in China, India, Japan, Korea and ASEAN markets. What is the importing trend of coal from Indonesia? What are opportunities and challenges in importing coal from Indonesia? What are the strategies in place for sourcing sufficient thermal coal to meet demand in Asia market? Panelists:
16.30 | End of Day One |
Day Two: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 | |
Moderator: Mr. Ramli Ahmad, President Director of coal trading company, PT Ombilin Energi | |
08.30 – 09.00 | Re-registration and Coffee Morning |
09:00 – 09.20 | Keynote Speech: The future of Indonesian mining industry in digital transformation era — Opportunities and challenges. Speaker: Mr. Sunindyo Suryo Herdadi, Director of Mineral and Coal Program Fostering at the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal. |
09.20 - 09: 40 | The impact of carbon tax and carbon pricing. Speakers: |
09.40 – 10.00 | Understanding the role of surveyors on technical verification of mineral and coal transportation and sales activities. Speaker: Mr. Nilo W. Mudito, Chairman of Surveyor Minerba (Mineral and Coal). |
10.00 – 10.30 | Coffee Break & Networking Session |
10.30 – 11.00 | Understanding decarbonization trend for mining companies – How mining companies are impacted and how are banks looking at decarbonization trend. Speaker: Krishna Kishore Venkata, Partner at Oliver Wyman. |
11.00 – 12.30 | Producers' perspective on outlook of Indonesian thermal coal production Key issues to be discussed in this session are Indonesia's coal producers about their business strategies/plans, including the prospects for ramping up production. What are the strategies in addressing logistical challenges? What are the future growth projections of new coal players? Panelists:
12.30 – 13.00 | Lunch |
13.30 – 14.00 | Overview of global supply and demand trend on mining heavy equipment in the second semester. What are Indonesia’s potential on mining heavy equipment market. Speaker: Nyoman Budijaya, of The Association of Indonesian Heavy Equipment Manufacturer (Hinabi) |
14.00 – 15.00 | Port and Logistic challenges The key issues to be discussed in this session are challenge and opportunities in coal sea logistic and transshipment services to support the development coal mine in Indonesia. What are challenges such in material handling, barging and floating crane services in coal mining value chain? What is the current services in Muara Berau transshipment point. Panelists:
15.00 – 15.30 | Outlook of coal mining contracting business in Indonesia with the rising of decarbonization issues. Key topics to be discussed in this session are how the decarbonization issues impact mining contractor business, how to deal with carbon tax issues? Speaker: Bambang Tjahjono, Chairman of Indonesian Mining Service Association (Aspindo) |
15.30 – 15.45 | Closing Remarks from conference chairman. |
Please note that this is a draft program and subject to change prior to the conference.
13-14 December 2021
*) Include : Coffee Break, Luncheon *) Cancellation Fee : 7 days before the event : 80%