July 13-14, 2022 – Shangri-la Hotel Jakarta
Attending Companies / Institution: (as of 30 May 2022)
- Putra Perkasa Abadi
- Vale
- Trafigura
- Jogmec
- MC Trading Indonesia
- Multi Nitrotama Kimia
- Asiatrust Technovima Qualiti
- Bank Mandiri
- Indotruck Utama
- Geoservices
- Chakra Jawara - IVECO
- LiuGong Machinery Indonesia
- Indo Traktor Utama
- Jasa Mutu Mineral Indonesia
- Spektris Metalab
- Pamapersada Nusantara
- Resindo
- Anindya Wiraputra Konsult
- Solway Management Indonesia
- PT Sulawesi Cahaya Mineral
- London Metal Exchange
- Oliver Wyman
- Shanghai Metals Market
- Virema Inpex
- Triputra Energi Megatara
- Lumoso Pratama Line
- Riandy Fiesta Samudera
- Wood Mackenzie
- Halmahera Persada Lygend
- Hydrotech Metal Indonesia
- Indonesia Battery Corporation
- Nickel Mines Limited
- Indonesian Nickel Miners Association
- Risun Weishan
- United Tractor
- Tunas Binatama Lestari
- Bukaka
- ITOCHU Corporation
- Ciptra Kridatama
- Petromine Energy
- Carsurin
- Gunbuster Nickel
- San Finance
- London Chemical Resources
- Tribhakti Inspektama
- Mitsui indonesia
Invited Speakers

Mr. Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan
Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment

Mr. Justin Werner
Managing Director of Nickel Mines Limited.

Mr. Dmitry Privalov
President Director of PT Solway Management Indonesia (SMI)

Mr. Toto Nugroho
President Director of Indonesia Battery Corporation (IBC)

Mr. Agus Superiadi
CEO of PT Sulawesi Cahaya Mineral

Mr. Tonny H. Gultom
Director of PT Halmahera Persada Lygend (HPL)

Mrs. Meidy Katrin
Secretary General of Indonesian Nickel Miners Association (APNI)

Mr. Paul White
Secretary-General at International Copper, Nickel and Lead and Zinc Study Groups

Mr. Edric Koh
Head of Corporate Sales, Asia at London Metal Exchange (LME)

Mr. Scott Ye
Director of PT. Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP)

Mr. Mark Mistry
Public Policy Manager of Nickel Institute.

Mrs. Shirley Wang
Big Data director and nickel analyst lead at Shanghai Metals Market (SMM).

Mr. K.K Ventaka
Partner at Oliver Wyman.

Mr. James Bryson
of Altilium Group

Mr. Romy Ramadhani
VP Operation at PT Hydrotech Metal Indonesia.

Mrs. Angela Durrant
Senior Research Manager of Wood Mackenzie

Mr. Steven Brown
Independent Consultant (Ex PT. Vale Indonesia)

Mr. Arif Tiammar
Association of Indonesian Metallurgical Professional (APMI)

Mr. Dendi Ramdani
Department Head Industry & Regional Research PT Bank Mandiri Tbk.

Mrs. Arfidea Saraswati
Founding partner, Akset Law.

Mr. Dendi Adisuryo
Partner ADCO Law.

Mr. Jayprakash Sahu
AGM - Scrap & Recycling, SteelMint – India

Mr. Nikhil Shah
Principal Analyst of CRU Group

Dr. Harry Patria
CEO & Chief Data Strategist of Patria & Co.

Mr. Heldy Satrya Putera
Acting Deputy Minister for Downstream Strategic Investment at The Ministry of Investment / Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Evvy Kartini
Chair and Founder of National Battery Research Institute (NBRI)

Aldo Namora
General Manager Business Development and Risk Management PT. Ceria Nugraha Indotama

Mr. Dolok Robert Silaban
Director of Business Development of PT Antam Tbk

Mr. Hengky Daulay
Head of Market Research PT Indeks Komoditas Indonesia (IKI)
The government is currently studying the possibility of imposing progressive export tax on nickel metal products such as nickel pig iron and ferronickel in a bid to further push the development of the downstream industries in the country, the world’s largest nickel producer.
Minister of Investment Bahlil Lahadalia previously said that the government was considering banning the export of nickel metals with nickel content of less than 70 percent, namely NPI and ferronickel, to conserve the country’s nickel reserves and promote the expansion of domestic nickel industry into stainless steel, EV battery and other higher value-added industries.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources expects seven domestic smelter projects to start commercial operation this year, making the country to have 28 smelters this year.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) preliminary estimated that global mine nickel production reached 2,700 thousand tons in 2021 and was 8 percent higher than 2,510 thousand tons of nickel produced in 2020. With 1,000 thousand tons of mined metal, Indonesia was once again an undisputed leader in nickel production, followed by the Philippines (370 thousand tons) and Russia (250 thousand tons).
USGS said a report mine nickel production in Indonesia increased by an estimated 30 percent, which was facilitated by the ongoing commissioning of integrated nickel pig iron and stainless-steel projects.
According to the report, the country’s first hydrometallurgical plant began operation in May on Obi Island. It was among several similar projects in the country that were designed to produce intermediate nickel products to be used as feed material at battery-grade nickel sulfate plants.
This HPAL smelter will utilize a lot of lower grade nickel ore (limonite), which is very abundant in Indonesia. This is part of optimizing or increasing the added value of mineral resources owned by Indonesia.
The HPAL process can produce first-class nickel products, namely Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate (MHP) with its derivatives in the form of nickel sulfate (NiSO4) and cobalt sulfate (CoSO4) which can be used as raw materials for batteries. These products have a higher added value compared to the products produced from the RKEF line
- The government’s key strategies to bolster new investments in nickel industry and smelting facilities.
- Indonesian government’s grand policy on the future of the Indonesian Battery Industry and electric vehicles (EV).
- What is the projection of global supply demand of nickel, pricing forecasts and insights from key analysts?
- Update on domestic nickel smelter capacity and the future production of NPI, Ferronickel and HPAL.
- What is the future role of Indonesia in the global stainless-steel production and market?
08.00–08.40 | Registration and Coffee Morning |
08.45–09.00 | Welcome remarks from conference chairperson and moderator: Mrs. Angela Durrant, Senior Research Manager of Wood Mackenzie |
09.00–09.20 | Government’s grand policy on energy transition - what opportunities does this bring for the future of nickel mining industry in Indonesia?
Keynote Speaker: Mr. Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment. |
09.20–09.40 | The government’s key strategies to bolster new investments in nickel mining industry and smelting facilities. Keynote Speaker: Mr. Heldy Satrya Putera, Acting Deputy Minister for Downstream Strategic Investment at Ministry of Investment/Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) |
09.40–10:00 | The future of low-grade nickel of Limonite in Indonesia – what nickel price is required to incentivize investment in the Class I nickel and opportunities and challenges for the nickel producers? Speaker: Mrs. Meidy Katrin, Secretary General, Indonesian Nickel Miners Association (APNI) |
10.00–10:20 | Coffee Break & Networking Session |
10:20–10:40 | IndoTrucks |
10:40–11:00 | Commodity price risk management and hedging. Speaker: Mr Edric Koh, Head of Corporate Sales, Asia at London Metal Exchange (LME). |
11.00–12.00 | CEO Panel on the future of nickel smelting industry in Indonesia to ensure the sustainable supply of NPI, FeNi and Nickel Matte -- what are opportunities, challenges on securing renewable energy sources for smelting now? Panelist:
12:00–13:00 | Lunch Break & Networking Session |
13:00–14:00 | CEO panel discussion on outlook for nickel demand in non-stainless-steel industry. What to expect on the mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP) production in Indonesia in the next five years and how far can the limonite resource sustain the nickel industry?
14:00–14:20 | PT Liugong Indonesia |
14:20–15:20 | CEO panel discussion on the future of foreign investment in nickel smelting and technology in Indonesia – Realities of building smelters and how to cope with policy changes? Panelists:
15:20–15:40 | Overview of global nickel supply and demand outlook: What is the role of Indonesia in global nickel supply? Speaker: Mr. Nikhil Shah, Principal Analyst of CRU Group |
15:40–16:00 | The future of Nickel in the global net zero emission target how carbon footprint of producing nickel for a low carbon economy?
Speaker: Mr. Mark Mistry, Public Policy Manager of Nickel Institute. |
16:00-16:20 | Outlook of EV demand and trend -- Where next for electric vehicle markets?
Speaker: Mr. K.K Ventaka, Partner at Oliver Wyman. |
16:20-16:40 |
India stainless steel growth potentials and demand on nickel import, including from Indonesia. Speaker: Mr. Jayprakash Sahu, AGM - Scrap & Recycling, SteelMint – India. |
16.40 | End of Day One |
08:30-09:00 | Re-registration and Coffee Morning |
08.55-09.00 | Welcome remarks from conference chairperson and moderator: Mrs. Angela Durrant, Senior Research Manager of Wood Mackenzie |
09:00–09.20 | Outlook of Indonesia’s nickel reserve/resources and the future of Indonesia government’s policy on Mineral Benchmark Price (or HPM) in nickel ore transactions. Keynote Speaker: *Mr. Arifin Tasrif, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. |
09:20-09:40 | Outlook of EV demand and trend -- Where next for electric vehicle markets? Speaker: Mr. K.K Ventaka, Partner at Oliver Wyman |
09:20-09.40 | The future global nickel market – where is the supply and demand for nickel heading? Speaker: Mr. Paul White, Secretary-General at International Copper, Nickel and Lead and Zinc Study Groups. |
09:40-10:00 | Bank’s Perspective on nickel smelting project in Indonesia: Lesson-learned on nickel projects financing. Speaker: Mr. Dendi Ramdani, Department Head Industry & Regional Research PT Bank Mandiri Tbk. |
10:00–10:20 | Coffee Break & Networking Session |
10:20–10:40 | Iveco |
10:40-11:00 | Legal overview on foreign investment on Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) industry in Indonesia. Speaker: Mrs. Arfidea Saraswati, Founding partner, Akset Law. |
11.00-11.20 | From Nickel to Battery: Future projection of battery electric vehicles (BEC) technology in Indonesia. What are the gamechanger in revolutionary battery technology? Speaker: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Evvy Kartini, Founder of National Battery Research Institute (NBRI). |
11:20-11:40 | Exploring the investment opportunities in nickel downstream industry in Indonesia Speaker: Mr. Arif Tiammar, Association of Indonesian Metallurgical Professional (APMI) |
11.40-12.00 | Update and Projection Nickel Smelter Development in Indonesia Speaker: Mr. Hengky Daulay, Head of Market Research PT Indeks Komoditas Indonesia (IKI) |
12.00–13.00 | Lunch |
13.00-13.20 | Overview of legal considerations for nickel smelter development, permits and smelter acquisition – what are the future challenges. Speaker: Mr. Dendi Adisuryo, Partner ADCO Law |
13.20-14.00 | Panel discussion on nickel miners’ perspective on Domestic and overseas financing opportunities and challenges in nickel smelting development in Indonesia.
14:00-14:20 | Indotracktor |
14:20-14:40 | Coffee Break |
14.40-15.00 | ESG in nickel mining -- How to keep up with demand while ensuring the ESG. Speaker: Mr. Steven Brown, Independent Consultant (Ex PT. Vale Indonesia) |
15:00-15:20 | “NEV-Driving Evolution Trend of Nickel Structural Supply" -- The balance of global supply and demand, the change of Nickel supply structure as the new energy industry continues to grow, and the prospect of Nickel sulfate's raw materials and its cost. Speaker: Mrs Shirley Wang, Big Data director and nickel analyst lead at Shanghai Metals Market (SMM). |
15:20-15:40 | Foreign perspective on nickel investment in Indonesia – Exploring JTA Holding Qatar plans in nickel downstream in Indonesia. Speaker: Mr. Dr. Amir Ali Salemi, CEO of JTA International Holding |
15:40-16:00 | Shipping outlook in nickel industry - What are challenges and opportunities in diversifying business into nickel industry? |
- Please note that this is a draft program and subject to change prior to the conference.
* Still waiting for confirmation

Day: Wednesday-Thursday
Date: July 13-14, 2022
Time: 08.00-17.00