
Indonesian LNG Market & Infrastructure Conference 2024

The Southeast Asian LNG market is projected to register a CAGR of over 8% during the forecast period. Presently the market has now reached pre-pandemic levels. Increasing demand for gas power generation and a rising number of LNG-fueled fleets are expected to drive the Southeast Asian LNG market during the forecast period. However, LNG oversupply and trade tension is expected to hamper the market growth during the forecast period. A high number of LNG regasification projects/development plans are expected to be proposed in upcoming years, underpinned by the growing LNG demand, leading to the creation of several opportunities for the market players, thus, making an emerging LNG market. Indonesia is positioned to be significant LNG player in the region as demand for LNG is predicted to steadily increasing, coming from smelting other mining sectors. Against the backdrop, this conference aims to serves as the best platform for every stakeholders to place their vision, plans and opportunities from the LNG development and discuss related issues within.

DAY ONE: January 10, 2023
08.50 AM Opening by MC
08.55 AM Introduction of Moderator
09.00 AM Indonesia’s energy transition is awaiting for bolder and firmer commitment from all stakeholders to realize the targets of sustainability and energy security. These sessions will hear from government and authority about the latest regulatory updates and plans being made to expedite the development of gas and LNG industry in the country. Availability and progress of LNG in the country is also expected to elaborated and discussed.

Keynote Speech (20 min)
by: Prof. Tutuka Ariadji, Director General of Oil & Gas, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources
Proposed Topic: Upcoming Policy & Regulations for Indonesian Natural Gas Sector
Keynote Speech (20 min)
by: Mr. Dwi Soetjipto, Chairman of SKK Migas
Proposed Topic: The Future of LNG Supply; East Kalimantan, Papua, Donggi Senoro and Masela Gas Supply Scenario
09.40 AM Pricing in the LNG market is vital for achieving market efficiency, balancing supply and demand, incentivizing investment, influencing consumer behavior, responsible resource management. Pricing allows for the efficient allocation of natural gas resources. It helps match supply and demand, ensuring that gas is available where it is needed most. Accurate pricing is essential for the responsible management of natural gas resources. It encourages sustainable extraction practices and discourages overproduction or depletion of reserves. This panel session will discuss the outlook of LNG pricing in Indonesia, considering aspects and dynamics that occur.

Panel Discussion (25 min)
Proposed Topic: Indonesian Natural Gas Pricing Policy
  • Senior Representative, Directorate General of Oil & Gas, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources
  • Senior Representative, SKK Migas
  • LNG Producer
  • Rahmad Pribadi, President Director, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)
  • Arief Setiawan Handoko, President Director, PT PGN, Tbk
10.05 AM As the Gas Subholding company of Pertamina, PGN's future depends on the growth of natural gas demand in Indonesia. The global energy transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources could impact PGN's future. PGN's ability to expand and maintain its infrastructure, including pipelines and distribution networks, will be crucial. Investment in infrastructure is essential to meet growing demand, ensure reliability, and reach underserved areas. This session is allocated for PGN to explain its future plans.

Proposed Topic: PGN Business Development Plan
Speaker: Arief Setiawan Handoko, CEO, PT PGN, Tbk (15 mins)
10.20 AM LNG producers view the industry from multiple perspectives, including profitability, resource development, global market access, diversification of markets, operational excellence, regulatory compliance, technology and innovation, environmental responsibility, geopolitical considerations, long-term investments, and the competitive landscape. Balancing these perspectives is essential for their success in the dynamic LNG sector.

Proposed Topic: LNG Outlook from Producers’ Perspectives
  • Atsushi Hozumi, Donggi Senoro LNG (15 mins)
  • John Anis, CEO, Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (15 mins)
  • Anthony Lesmana, Director, Kayan LNG Nusantara (15 mins)
  • bp Indonesia

Proposed Topic: Upcoming LNG; Opportunities & Challenges
  • Akihiro Watanabe, Chief Representative, Inpex Masela Ltd. (10 mins)
  • Brian Allen, Executive Director, EWC Ltd (10 mins)
11.50 AM The utilization of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in the smelter business represents a pivotal intersection of energy efficiency, sustainability, and industrial innovation. This session aims to explore the multifaceted landscape of LNG's role in powering smelting operations, providing valuable insights into the benefits, challenges, and strategies for integration. We will examine case studies and success stories that illustrate the adoption of LNG in smelting, showcasing the positive impact on operational efficiency and emissions reduction. This session will explore the synergy between LNG and the broader sustainability goals of smelting operations. It will shed light on how LNG aligns with emissions reduction targets, resource efficiency, and corporate social responsibility.

Proposed Topic: LNG for Smelters
  • Alexander Ramlie, President Director, Amman Mineral (15 mins)
  • Febriany Eddy, CEO, Vale Indonesia (15 mins)
  • Tony Wenas, President Director, Freeport Indonesia (15 mins)
12.50 PM LUNCH
13.30 PM The industrial landscape in Indonesia is evolving, with a burgeoning demand for natural gas as a vital energy source, particularly within the fertilizer and petrochemical sectors. Focusing on the fertilizer and petrochemical sectors, we will analyze their growth trajectories, energy consumption patterns, and environmental commitments. This session will delve into the future gas requirements of these pivotal industries, providing a comprehensive outlook on their evolving needs, sustainability goals, and the implications for energy stakeholders.

Proposed Topic: Gas Needs from Indonesian Industries, Fertilizer and Petrochemicals Sector in the Future
  • Senior Representative, PT Pupuk Indonesia (15 mins)
  • Futoshi Urai, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri (15 mins)
  • Edy Suyanto, Chairman, Indonesian Ceramic Industry Association (15 mins)
14.15 PM The market dynamics of small-scale LNG have experienced significant growth and transformation in recent years. The demand for small-scale LNG has been driven by several factors, including the increasing need for cleaner energy sources and the development of innovative liquefaction and regassification technologies. Furthermore, the rising adoption of LNG in restaurant and hotels have contributed to the market’s expansion.

Proposed Topic: Small Scale LNG Market Outlook
Speakers: Aminuddin, President Director, PT Pertagas Niaga (15 mins)
14.30 PM Natural gas plays a significant role in power generation worldwide due to its versatility, relatively low greenhouse gas emissions compared to other fossil fuels, and the ability to provide reliable and flexible electricity. At this session, we will hear from PLN’s perspectives on how natural gas will take part in its future power generation.

Proposed Topic: PLN Gas Needs
Speakers: Iwan Agung Firstantara, CEO, PLN Energi Primer Indonesia (15 mins)
14.45 PM Bontang LNG has been and will remain an important LNG facility in Indonesian gas industry. As lots of industries in East Kalimantan are relying on gas supply, the future role of Bontang LNG is imperative to be explored. Many wonders if there are possibilities of converting Bontang LNG into receiving facility to sustain gas needs after producing blocks nearby no longer able to supply.

Proposed Topic: The Future of LNG in Bontang
Speakers: Gema Iriandus Pahalawan, President Director, Badak NGL
15.00 PM Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) infrastructure is significant for several reasons, including its role in the Indonesian energy landscape, economic benefits, and environmental considerations. The development of LNG infrastructure is very much awaited by many industries and energy consumers in Indonesia. This session will discuss plans and outlook of gas-LNG infrastructure.

Proposed Topic: Gas – LNG Infrastructure Outlook
  • Arief Wardono, CEO, PT Perta Daya Gas (15 mins)
  • M. Riza Affiandi, CEO, PLN Gas & Geothermal (15 mins)
  • Dennis SK Jang, CEO, Jaya Samudera Karunia (15 mins)
  • Bara Ilmarosa, President Director, Perta Arun Gas (15 mins)
16.10 PM Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) plays a pivotal role in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply chain by enabling the importation of LNG and its conversion back into its gaseous form for distribution and consumption. This session will explore Indonesian market of FSRU, its prospect and opportunities.

Proposed Topic: FSRU in Indonesia
  • Nusantara Regas (15 mins)
  • PGN LNG (15 mins)
  • Jawa Satu Power (15 mins)
17.00 PM The outlook for LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) transporters, which includes LNG carriers and other vessels involved in the LNG supply chain, is influenced by several factors and trends. The LNG trade has been steadily growing, driven by increased demand for natural gas, especially in Asia and Europe. While the outlook for LNG transporters is generally positive, with continued growth expected in the LNG trade, Indonesia LNG transportation is interesting to be observed. Market dynamics, technological advancements, environmental considerations, and shifts in global energy demand will shape the future of LNG transporters and the broader LNG industry.

Proposed Topic: LNG Transportation & Infrastructure in Indonesia
  • Yoki Firnandi, CEO, Pertamina International Shipping (15 mins)
  • Humpuss (15 mins)
  • Bani Mulia, CEO, Samudera Indonesia (15 mins)
18.35 PM Presentation & Discussion
Dynamics of LNG in the Asia Pacific Region

  • Wood Mackenzie (15 mins)
  • Rystad Energy (15 mins)
19.05 PM Carbon markets are mechanisms aimed at reducing GHG emissions, and both forests and natural gas have implications within these markets. Forests can provide carbon credits through carbon sequestration efforts, while natural gas producers and users may need to participate in carbon markets to offset their emissions. The relationship between these elements highlights the complex interplay between environmental conservation, energy production, and climate change mitigation.

Proposed Topic: Creating Carbon Neutral Environment in LNG Supply Chain
  • Dharsono Hartono, CEO, Rimba Makmur Utama

5-6 March 2024

*) Including Conference materials, Coffee break, Luncheon *) Cancellation Fee : 7 days before the event : 80%

Le Méridien-Jakarta

Further Information

Mobile: +62-858-9999-8800

Fixed-line: +62-21-2245-8787

Email: marketing@petromindo.com

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*Please note that this is a draft program and subject to change prior to the conference.
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