May 18 - 19, 2022, JW Marriott Jakarta
January 2022 was a shocking month not only for the country’s coal industry players but also for countries in the Asia-Pacific region after Indonesia, the world’s largest thermal coal exporter, decided for the first time in its history to totally stop international coal sales.
The one-month coal export ban affected all players in the country's coal industry, including coal miners which have fulfilled the domestic market obligation (DMO) requirement.
Under the DMO policy, the country’s coal miners are required to allocate at least 25 percent of their annual output for the domestic market including the power plant sector.
The Newcastle coal price index was at US$183.44 per ton when the government imposed the overall export ban.
The sharp increase in coal price, from US$95.29 per ton in May 2021 to a high of US$ 258.90 in mid-October 2021 had created a vast disparity between the coal price for exports and the domestic market.
Indonesia produced 614 million tons of coal in 2021, representing 98.2 percent of the government’s full-year target of 625 million tons.
Data from the government shows that the realization of coal for the domestic market reached 133 million tons last year, or 96.7 percent of the full-year target of 137.5 million tons, mostly for PLN. The remaining coal output went to the export markets.
In 2022, Indonesia targets coal production of 663 million tons, of which about 498 million tons allocated for the global coal market.
The conference, to be jointly organized by CoalMetalAsia Magazine and Petromindo.com, would explore topics including:
- Global coal outlook, supply and demand, and trade flow discussions
- China coal market outlook: Future of Indonesia’s thermal coal in the China market
- India coal market outlook
- ASEAN coal market outlook
- Japan, South Korea and Taiwan coal market outlook
- Domestic coal demand and supply outlook
08.30–09.00 | Registration and Coffee Morning, Moderator Day One: Miss Diyana Putri Alan, Southeast Asia Energy Markets Editor of McCloskey. |
09.00–09.20 | Keynote speech: Government’s grand policy on the future of coal in Indonesia in energy transition scenario. Keynote Speaker: Mr. Prof Irwandy Arif, Special Staff for Mineral and Coal Governance of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources |
09.20–09.40 | The future of coal-fired power plants (PLTU) in energy transition program to realize the government’s 2060 carbon neutral target. Keynote Speaker: Mr. Edwin Nugraha, Executive Vice President (EVP) of Electricity System Planning, state-owned electricity firm, PT PLN. |
09.40–10.00 | Retiring or repurposing Asia’s coal plants: Why owners must plan and act now? Keynote Speaker: Mr. Narsingh Chaudhary, Executive Vice President & Managing Director, Asia Pacific of Black & Veatch |
10:00-10:20 | Global coal market forecast: Looking at the year ahead Keynote Speaker: Mr. Neil D’Souza, Principal-Projects, Consulting, Argus. |
10:20-10:30 | Question and answer followed by coffee break |
Session One :
10:30-10:50 | Erwin Listya Budi, Key Account Director, PT Indotruck Utama |
10:50–11:10 | Near-term outlook of thermal coal price – how successful is China in controlling the prices? Speaker: Miss. Kiara Zhong, Principal Research Analyst - China, McCloskey from Beijing |
11:10–12:10 | Coal supply talks: Drivers for Indonesian production and The panel discussion will explore key challenges facing Indonesia’s coal producers and traders with the government’s target to increase coal production to 663 million tons. What are the challenges that would potentially disrupt coal supply for export markets? Panelists:
12:10–13:10 | Lunch and Networking |
Session Two :
13:10–13:30 | PT Liugong Indonesia |
13:30–13:50 | The future of Indonesian coal in the India market – what is the appetite for in India over the coming year Speaker: Mr. Haryanto Damanik, Direktur Utama, PT Manambang Muara Enim (MME) |
13:50–14:10 | Exploring miners’ diversification to non-coal business amid drive to decarbonize: What does it mean for Indonesian Miners? Speaker: Mr. Maisam Hasnain, VP-Senior Analyst of Moody's Investors Service. |
14:10–15:10 | India’s future coal needs and challenges for Indonesian coal Miners from miner perspective. Speakers:
15:10–15:30 | Coffee Break and Networking |
Session Three:
15:30–15.50 | Coal Domestic Market Obligation in Indonesia and its implementation. Speaker:Miss Endah Sulastri, Senior Associate ADCO Law |
15:50–16.10 | Coal Domestic Market Obligation in Indonesia and its implementation. Speaker:Mr. Masafumi Uehara, Japan Frontier Organization, Resources Development, Assistance Secretary General. |
16:10–16.30 | Panelist on JKT coal market and demand forecast: Looking at the year ahead Panelist: Mr. Hendry Lee, Marketing Director, Batubara global Energy (BGE) |
16:30 | End of Day One |
Session One ASEAN Coal Market Outlook
08:30–09:00 | Registration Moderator Day Two: Mr. Hendra Sinadia, Executive Director of Indonesia Coal Mining Association |
09-00–09:20 | The Future of fossil fuel power generation in ASEAN and trend of coal demand of power plants in the region Keynote Speaker:Mr. Dharma Djojonegoro, CEO of PT Adaro Power |
09:20–09:40 | Going In-depth into the role of coal in energy resilience in ASEAN countries. Speaker: Beni Suryadi, Manager of the Power, Fossil Fuel, Alternative Energy and Storage of ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) |
09:40–10:00 | Understanding ASEAN coal market outlook -- What are opportunities for Indonesian mining companies? Speaker: Mr. Ghee Peh at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) |
10:00–10:30 | Coffee Break and Networking |
10:30–10-50 | Off-road Trucks in coal Mining Speaker: Mr. Ghee Peh at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
10:50–12.00 | Panel Discussion: What is the coal demand trend in the ASEAN market and the development of coal in the power plant sector?
12:00–13:00 | Lunch and Networking |
Session Two: Menakar Masa Depan Batubara Dalam Transisi Energi Nasional
The session would discuss:
- Tren terbaru konsumsi batubara domestik pada tahun 2022
- Masa depan batubara dalam transisi energi dan bauran energi Nasional.
- Bagaimana permintaan batubara dari Independent Power Producer (IPP)? Industri semen?
- Bagaimana konsumsi batubara di industri pemrosesan dan pemurnian mineral?
- Bagaimana konsumsi batubara di industri Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia?
13:00–13:20 | "Kebijakan pemerintah terkait DMO dan tren produksi batubara dalam negeri" Pembicara: Dr. Lana Saria, Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Batubara |
13:20–14:20 | Diskusi Panel - Menakar konsumsi Batubara di pasar domestik
14:20–14:40 | Menakar masa depan industri jasa pertambangan dalam transisi energi nasional and trend permintaan alat berat di sektor pertambangan. Pembicara: Bambang Tjahjono, Director Eksekutif of Asosiasi Jasa Pertambangan Indonesia (Aspindo) |
14:40–15:00 | Menakar Masa Depan Batu Bara dengan Perdagangan Karbon Kredit Pembicara: Antonius Sanyojaya, Partner, PwC Indonesia |
15:00–15:30 | Panel Diskusi Pembicara:
16.00 | Selesai |
May 18 - 19, 2022