2023 Sumatra Coal Outlook Conference

Mr. Prof Irwandy Arif, Special Staff for Mineral and Coal Governance of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Mr. Warsono, Executive Vice President (EVP) of Electricity System Planning, state-owned electricity firm, PT PLN.

Mr. Hadis Surya, Palapa Director of Commerce of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)

Mr. Bill Sullivan, Senior Foreign Counsel with Christian Teo & Partners and Senior Adviser to Stephenson Harwood

Mr. Tony Saputra, CEO of PT RMK Energy Tbk

Mr. Ramli Ahmad, President Director of PT Ombilin Energi.

Mr. Haryanto Damanik, President Director of PT Manambang Muara Enim (MME)

Mr. Ricky Nelson, President Director of Mifa Bersaudara.

Mr. Leader DS Daeli, Director of PT Bhakti Coal Resources

Mr. Hadyan Hadianto, Director of PT Trimata Benua

Mr. Baharuddin, President Director of PT Batubara Mandiri

Mr. Nofelriri Zalni, President Director PT Trans Energy Indonesia

Mr. Suryo Suwignjo, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of PT Titan Infra Energy

Mr. Hilarius Moan Dare, President Director PT. Surya Global Makmur (SGM),

Mr. Ardhi Ishak, Promotion and Government Relation Head, Business Development Division at PT Pamapersada Nusantara (PAMA)

Agung Prabowo, Tech Specialist Gear, Hydraulic & GreasePERTAMINA LUBRICANT

Mr. Yudhi Putro, Coal Market Analyst

Mr. Muhammad Burhanuddin, Chairman of Indonesian Association of Geologists

Mr. Rizal Kasli, Chairman of the Indonesia Mining Experts Association (Perhapi)

Mr. Setiaji Hadiprayitno, Country Managing Partner ERM Indonesia

Mr. Benny Uzer, President Director PT. BELGI ENERGY

Mr. Hendra Sinadia, Executive Director of Indonesia Coal Mining Association (ICMA)

Mr. Herdian Ganda Wijaya, CEO at PT Tura Teknologi Informasi
The largest Sumatra Coal conference is back
Petromindo and CoalMetalAsia Magazine are pleased to announce the 2023 Sumatra Coal Outlook Conference that will be held on 15 March 2023 in Jakarta.
The conference will bring together speakers from the entire coal value chain to deliberate on pressing issues on how to unlock coal potential in Sumatra as coal mining companies are now ready to ramp up coal output but they are facing coal logistic challenges.
Currently, resources allocation for coal production in Indonesia is still imbalanced with most of the coal output comes from Kalimantan and the rest comes from Sumatera, particularly South Sumatera.
On the contrary, coal potential in Sumatra is more than the coal in Kalimantan.
Coal logistic issues from South Sumatra to Aceh had long hindered the coal producers from ramping up production volume.
Yet, there have been some initiatives from coal logistic providers to unlock the huge coal potential in Sumatra by providing more coal transportation capacity through hauling road, coal railway or riverway.
Sumatra coal is dominantly lignite, low calorific value (CV), high moisture and sulfur content making the acceptability of coal from Sumatra to domestic and global market still limited.
However, with the expected surge in demand of coal both from domestic and overseas, the markets for Sumatra coal are increasingly promising.
The conference would also sightsee the investment opportunities in the coal-related sector in Sumatra and also explore initiatives of mining companies in Sumatra to participate in meeting the country’s zero emission target.
A few key highlights:
What is the government policy to unlock coal potential in Sumatra?
- Exploring the coal transportation facilities in South Sumatra, Jambi, Aceh and Bengkulu and the expansion plans that would be executed in 2023?
- Exploring investment opportunities in the coal industry in Sumatra?
- Key government policy and appetite for investment opportunities in the coal downstream industry.
- Understand coal price dynamic on short, medium and long terms in next year
Who should attend the conference?
- Mining company executives
- Coal Producers
- Coal Buyers
- Mining Consultants
- Financiers
- Mining Lawyers
- Commodities Analysts & Traders
- Investment Analysts
- Investment Bankers
- Private Investors
Conference Agenda
08:00-09:00 | Registration and welcome refreshments |
09:00-09:10 | Chair's opening remarks. Mr. Ramli Ahmad, President Director of PT Ombilin Energi. |
09:00-09:20 | Opening Keynote address: Government Policy to develop Sumatra Coal
09:20-09:40 | Keynote address: Beyond coal – how PTBA transforms into energy company and challenges and opportunities of coal industry in energy transition Speaker: PT Bukit Asam Tbk. |
09:40-10:00 | Keynote address: Understanding how the carbon trading system is intended to operate in Indonesia and what does it mean for the coal mining sector? Speaker: Mr. Bill Sullivan, Senior Foreign Counsel with Christian Teo & Partners and Senior Adviser to Stephenson Harwood |
10:00-10:30 | Networking Break |
10:30-10:50 | How RMK Energy provides efficient and effective coal service solutions to a lot of logistical challenges that coal miners are facing. Speaker: Mr. Tony Saputra, CEO of PT RMK Energy Tbk |
10:50-11:10 | How Pertamina Lubricants help improve your EBITDA Speaker: Mr. Agung Prabowo, Tech Specialist Gear, Hydraulic & Grease of Pertamina Lubricants. |
11:10-12:10 | Panel Discussion: What is the coal future in Sumatra?
12:10-13:00 | Lunch and networking break |
13:00-13:20 | PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI)’s grand policy on development of coal rail transportation in Sumatra – What is the Outlook in 2023? Speaker: Mr. Hadis Surya Palapa, Director of Commerce of PT PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero). |
13:20-13:40 | Prospect for investment of coal industry and mining transportation infostructure in Jambi. Speaker: Mr. Hilarius Moan Dare, President Director of PT Surya Global Makmur in Sarolangun – Jambi Province. |
13:40-14:30 | Panel Discussion: Investment opportunities in the coal sector in Sumatra.
14:30-15:00 | Panel Discussion: Overview of Indonesia coal outlook – Roles of low rank coal from Sumatra in domestic and overseas markets.
15:00-15:20 | Digitalization in ESG – What does it mean for coal miners? Speaker: Mr. Setiaji Hadiprayitno, Country Managing Partner of ERM Indonesia |
15:20-15:40 | Unlocking coal potential in Bengkulu. Development plans of Pulau Baai Port to support coal mining development in Bengkulu. Speaker: PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Pelindo II) |
15:40-16:10 | Mining Exploration Outlook in Sumatra
16:10-16:30- | The future of coal-fired power plants (PLTU) in the energy transition program. Closing remark: Mr. Warsono, Executive Vice President (EVP) of Electricity System Planning, state-owned electricity firm, PT PLN. |
16:30 | End of conference |
15 March 2023
*) Including Conference materials, Coffee break, Luncheon *) Cancellation Fee : 7 days before the event : 80%Venue
Hotel AYANA Midplaza - Jakarta
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